Clean up Utilities

Disk clean up basically means scanning and deleting files, from your machine’s hard drive, which are not needed. These might include system files, temporary files, corrupt files and further on user’s files which are not used anymore. If the user’s files have newer versions the older version which is not used will also get deleted. Disk clean up will also delete files which have many copies of the same version because not all of them are needed. The clean up basically deletes the files that are useless. The clean up will not delete system files which are important and which are needed to run the system properly. A clean up will be important when you run out of space on your hard drive. It allows you to quickly free up space. This will maintain the performance of your machine because if you don’t have much space on your hard drive the machine will run slower than usual. The clean up allows you to delete files which will make your machine run smoothly.


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